Friday, April 22, 2011

Genes and Proteins

Cregor Mendel might have been surprised to learn that most genes contain nothing more than instructiccss for aseesnbling proteins. He might have asked what proteine could possibly have to  do with the color of a flower, the shape ofa leaf, a human blood type, or the sex of a newborn baby. The answer is that proteins have everything to do with theee things. Remember that many proteins are enzymes, which catalyze and regulate chemical reactions. A gene that codes for an enzyme to produce pigment can control the color of a flower. Another gene produces an enzyme specialized Ibr the production of red blood cell surface antigen. This molecule determines your blood type. Genes for certain proteins can regulate the rate and pattern of growth throughout an organism, controlling its size and shape. In short, proteins are microscopic tools, each specifically designed to build or operate a component of a living cell.
Genes and Proteins

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